Wednesday, July 13, 2011

staying cool

We run a humidifier in our house at night. I got this cute little froggie one for OG's room and loved it, until yesterday. First thing in the morning I saw that the thing had run all night into the curtain which ended up in a big soaking puddle all around it. Things happen, so I cleaned up all the water. Later, when I was in the shower, my little angel decided it would be fun to knock the entire thing off the stand it was on and I found him standing in the empty bottom part of it, crying because he couldn't figure out how to get out. I should have taken a picture but the whole wet, dripping with water thing was more important. So, I cleaned up all the water for the second time. Later that evening, I was plugging in my husband's phone charger (trying to be nice) when I saw OG reaching for the humidifier. I said "no", he started pushing it towards the end of the stand. I said "NO", then "NOOOOO!" as it fell off the edge and broke and water went everywhere! I was pissed off and literally told him as he toddled off "you'd better not come back until you're ready to apologize to mommy!" Hmmm... never got that apology but I sure got to clean up all the water again!

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