Tuesday, May 24, 2011

grocery store shopping

Isn't it awkward when you find yourself on the same path as someone else at the grocery store? It happened to us today with a couple people. One was a huge preggo and I just love looking at pregnant women now that I have been there. I didn't say anything or rub her belly like people did to my friend Carrie in Arkansas- weirdo at Best Buy showed her a C-sec scar. Not something a pregnant lady wants to see, thank you very much. The other people who probably felt like we were stalking them was a couple who seemed like the girl was teaching the boy how to use coupons. I felt like saying "honey, it's a lost cause, men and coupons just don't go together" but I didn't. We spent the majority of our time in there searching the entire gorcery store for one tiny item. Have you ever done this? It is so infuriating! Today it was a packet of pesto seasoning. I swear we went down every aisle twice and couldn't find the damn thing! Finally just said eff it and bought beer instead.  So, I will be enjoying a Shock Top (with an orange slice, Desirae!) with our dinner tonight made without pesto.

I've been telling some people about our "meal plan" so I thought I would include the link to e-mealz.com . For $5.00 per month you get weekly meals with an itemized shopping list. So we save money by buying exactly what we need and save time by having our dinners planned out. It's working for us :)


  1. Ha ha that's hilarious!!!

  2. Uh, there is an owl on the E.mealz.com website, plus you are recommending them, so they must be good! ;)
