Saturday, June 25, 2011

No more hives

I'm so happy to report that our little guy is feeling better. It's amazing how fast babies recover- today he woke up almost all cleared up. Our little trooper couldn't wait til 8am to tell us that he was OK, he thought 4am was a more appropriate wake up time. My wonderful husband stayed up with him so I could get some much needed sleep. I just can't be mad at him when he was so sick the last two days. He got extra cuddles and nursies all day. We're still not sure what was the cause of the reaction. It could have been some peanut sauce I ate earlier in the week in chicken lettuce wraps. But it could also have been a million other things. We'll just be happy that he's OK and be more careful about peanuts in his and my diet.  Thank you for the kind words and advice and offers for help. It's nice to know so many people care about our little family ;)

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