Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Earth Day

Last Friday was Earth Day! What did you do to celebrate? Do you remember back in grade school where you had to do a project with the class, usually something like planting a tree or picking up recycling around the school? Those were the days!

For the past few years my husband has given me a rose bush on my birthday. Usually pink roses because pink is my favorite color- can you tell? And roses are so hardy and can thrive in the hot, dry climate where we live. This year was no exception and I woke up to the plant on the dining room table. Thank you sweetie! What is exceptional is that the roses that we have already planted are always in bloom on my birthday AND on our anniversary, which is in June. How does he do it?!

Our little guy got to enjoy some outside time this weekend. He LOVES being outside and when the back door opens he drops whatever is in his hands, gets this determined look on his face and crawls as fast as he can to try and make it out before the door closes.  We set up this last minute water table which turned into a new doggy drinking bowl- go figure!

I love reading your comments on the blog. Did you plant anything for Earth Day? Do your children love playing outside? What's their favorite outdoor activity? Please share.

1 comment:

  1. We went to a park by the house to see some of the Earth Day celebrations. :) Glad you had such a great Earth Day!
